CIBERTEC APL Conditioned Place Preference System
APL Conditioned Preference System evaluates preferences for environmental stimuli that have been associated with positive or negative reward. The ... -
CIBERTEC CERS41 Startle Response System
The CIBERTEC CERS 41 Acoustic Startle Response System is used for studying behavioral assessment of sensor motor processes in small laboratory... -
CIBERTEC Conditioning Operant Chamber to Rabbits
The CIBERTEC Operant chamber to rabbits is a modular experimental enclosure designed to conduct operant conditioning procedures. The lateral walls allow... -
CIBERTEC VIRTUBOX Operant/Behaviour Modular System to Rodents
The Cibertec VIRTUBOX conditioning and behavioral procedures is an entirely modular experimental enclosure with an innovative system which is running through an... -
CIBERTEC Vogel Test System
The Cibertec Vogel Test allows in small laboratory animals to study the potential anxiolytic effects of drugs. In this procedure, the drinking behaviour is...